Loading RDF/XML files into Virtuoso’s metadata store

Bernie just put together this beauty to load small RDF/XML files into Virtuoso’s metadata store (We are using testing the open source version). DB.DBA.RDF_LOAD_RDFXML(http_get ('URI to the RDF/XML file'),'','Name of the graph in the store'); We have tested loading a 5 Million triple RDF/XML and results are pretty nice (It took around 6 minutes to load into a dual Pentium 4 extreme edition at 3GHz with 4GB of RAM on a slow 7500rpm ext3fs). When pushing to larger files, the stream version of this is a must to reduce memory consumption. ...

Jul 20, 2007 · 1 min · 91 words · Xavier Llorà

Back in town and a Virtuoso

Vacations and GECCO were great. I am still trying to catch up. Hope everything gets up to speed soon. Just a quick note to jump start: Dealing with relational databases, metadata stores, DAV servers? If so, take a look at Virtuoso, you won’t be disappointed ;)

Jul 18, 2007 · 1 min · 46 words · Xavier Llorà

GECCO 2007 Hat Trick

Yup, never happened to me before. In John Koza’s words: Hat Trick, best paper in EDA track and two Bronze medals in the HUMIES competition. I just think that I was lucky and blessed to have the pleasure to work with such great people. It would not have happened if it wasn’t for them. Below you can find some of the presentations for the above Hat Trick, as well as some other work I presented on genetics-based machine learning. ...

Jul 13, 2007 · 1 min · 79 words · Xavier Llorà

Blogging about NCSA PSP

Yesterday, today, and tomorrow NCSA is running the PSP 2007 meeting. You may find some of my blogging about it here.

May 22, 2007 · 1 min · 21 words · Xavier Llorà

An Overview of the DISCUS project

This presentation covers a general overview of the goals, origins, reasearch and tools currently available for the DISCUS project. For more information please visit the DISCUS project website. A follow up presentation with further details is also available here.

May 11, 2007 · 1 min · 39 words · Xavier Llorà