Combating user fatigue in iGAs: Partial ordering, support vector machines, and synthetic fitness

by Llorà, X., Sastry, K., Goldberg, D.E., Gupta, A., Lakshmi, L. (2005). Published in the ACM Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2005), ACM press, pp. 1363–1371. Also as IlliGAL TR No 2005009. Link to the PDF Abstract: One of the daunting challenges of interactive genetic algorithms (iGAs)—genetic algorithms in which fitness measure of a solution is provided by a human rather than by a fitness function, model, or computation—is user fatigue which leads to sub-optimal solutions. This paper proposes a method to combat user fatigue by augmenting user evaluations with a synthetic fitness function. The proposed method combines partial ordering concepts, notion of non-domination from multiobjective optimization, and support vector machines to synthesize a fitness model based on user evaluation. The proposed method is used in an iGA on a simple test problem and the results demonstrate that the method actively combats user fatigue by requiring 3–7 times less user evaluation when compared to a simple iGA. ...

Jul 19, 2005 · 1 min · 158 words · Xavier Llorà

Mining social networks in message boards

by Matsumura, N., Goldberg, D.E., Llorà, X. (2005). Published in the Symposium on Conversational Informatics for Supporting Social Intel ligence, The Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behavior Press, pp. 18–27. Also as IlliGAL TR No 2005001. More info. Abstract: In this paper, we first present an approach to extract social networks from message boards on the Internet. Then we show structural features of 3,000 social networks extracted from 3,000 message boards from 15 categories in Yahoo! Japan Message Boards to prove the relationships between the features and the categories. After we classify social networks into three types (interactive communication, distributed expertise communication and soapbox communication), we suggest an approach for mining social networks to identify the types of communication, the roles of individuals, and important ties, all of which can be used to redesign the means communication as well as understand the state of communication. ...

Apr 12, 2005 · 1 min · 151 words · Xavier Llorà

Mining social networks in message boards (Presentation)

This is the presentation for the paper “Mining Social Network in Message Boards” (the paper PDF may be found here (1Mb)) published in the Sympposium on Conversational Informatics for Supporting Social Intelligence and Interaction (AISB'05, 12-15 April, Hatfield, UK, 2005). You can download the PDF here (2Mb).

Apr 12, 2005 · 1 min · 47 words · Xavier Llorà

KeyGraphs, small-worlds, and interactive GAs

This is the presentation about using DISCUS interactive genetic algorithms to tune the KeyGraph algorithm for a given document. The paper was published in the First European Workshop on Chance Discovery, EWCD 2004 (Valencia, Spain). The paper may be found here (PDF, 0.7Mb) and the presentation slides here (PDF, 0.5Mb).

Aug 23, 2004 · 1 min · 50 words · Xavier Llorà

Chance discovery and marketing

This is the presentation about using DISCUS and chance discovery for marketing purposes. The paper was published in the First European Workshop on Chance Discovery, EWCD 2004 (Valencia, Spain). The paper may be find here (PDF, 0.7Mb) and the presentation slides here (PDF, 0.6Mb).

Aug 23, 2004 · 1 min · 44 words · Xavier Llorà