The innovation pump: Supporting creative processes in collaborative engineering

by Xavier Llorà and David E. Goldberg (2006). IlliGAL TR No 2006011. Link to the PDF. Abstract The pervasive expansion of computers and Internet has change the way people collaborate. Terms such as cybercollaboratories are getting traction in day-to-day work. Web boards, blogs, e-mails, and instant messaging have become de facto mainstream communication channels. People scattered across the globe collaborate thanks to such technologies to carry out their daily work. Creative processes—such as collaborative engineering—have also taken advantage of such new communication media. This paper reviews the new framework set after these technologies and presents how collaborative creativity and innovation can be modeled and supported using computational models. The paper continues presenting a innovation-support model based on the usage of genetic algorithms as computational metaphors of human innovation. The paper also briefly discuses the results achieved using the proposed technologies in real-world collaborative creative processes. ...

Feb 26, 2006 · 1 min · 145 words · Xavier Llorà

All staff meeting at NCSA

I attended the first all staff meeting at NCSA. There a lot of exiting challenges here. You can learn more about the NCSA mission here, but a must-read document is the NCSA 2010: The future of NCSA, which gives a general overview of NCSA strategy for the years to come. Another interesting editorial by NCSA’s director Thom Dunning can be found here.

Feb 23, 2006 · 1 min · 62 words · Xavier Llorà

LCSWeb creates a LCS and GBML paper database

Jan Drugowitsch in agreement with Tim Kovacs have team up to provide a LCS and other GBML paper database. You can access it here. You can also search the IlliGAL biblography at the LCS and other GBML web site (rigth-hand side search boxes).

Feb 20, 2006 · 1 min · 43 words · Xavier Llorà

New books section on the LCS and GBML web

The LCS and GBML site has a new section about book. It can be found here. The section collects LCS and GBML related books. If you found that relevant LCS and GBML books are missing, please post a comment to the editors of the site and they will take care of it.

Feb 12, 2006 · 1 min · 52 words · Xavier Llorà

CEC 2006 deadline is today!

Yes, today is the deadline for the IEEE 2006 Conference onf Evolutionary Compuations. Submit your paper here. Tomorrow is the deadline for the ACM 2006 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. However, the submission server will remain open for two weeks after that date, and many of the special sessions have already extended the deadline accordingly.

Jan 31, 2006 · 1 min · 55 words · Xavier Llorà