E2K: Evolution to knowledge

by Xavier Llorà (2006). ACM SIGEvolution, Volume 1 , Issue 3, pp. 10-17. Link to the Journal. Abstract Evolution to Knowledge (E2K) is a set of Data to Knowledge (D2K) modules and itineraries that perform genetic algorithms (GA) and genetics-based machine learning (GBML) related tasks. The goal of E2K is to fold: simplify the process of building GA/GBML related tasks, and provide a simple exploratory workbench for the evolutionary computation community to help users to interact with evolutionary processes. It can help to create complex tasks or help the newcomer to get familiarized and trained with the evolutionary methods and techniques provided. Moreover, due to its integration into D2K, the creation of combined data mining and evolutionary task can be effortlessly done via the visual programming paradigm provided by the workflow environment and also wrap other evolutionary computation software. ...

Sep 13, 2006 · 1 min · 139 words · Xavier Llorà

GECCO 2006

Well, it finally happened. GECCO started today at 8:30am. You can find live blogging at the IlliGAL Blogging.

Jul 8, 2006 · 1 min · 18 words · Xavier Llorà

Analyzing active interactive genetic algorithms using visual analytics

by Xavier Llorà, Kumara Sastry , Francesc Alías, David E. Goldberg, and Michael Welge (2006). Proceedings of the ACM Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2006), pp. 1417–1418, ACM press. Also as IlliGAL TR No 2006004. Link to the PDF. Abstract This paper build on active interactive genetic algorithms and introduces visual-analytic techniques to aggregate, summarize, and visualize the information generated during interactive evolutionary processes. Special visualizations of the user-provided partial ordering of solutions, the synthetic fitness surrogates induced, and the model of user preferences were prepared. The visual-analytic techniques proposed point out potential pitfalls, strengths, and possible improvements in a non-trivial case study where the hierarchical tournament selection scheme of an active interactive genetic algorithm is replaced by an equivalent incremental selection scheme. Visual analytics provided an intuitive reasoning environment that unveiled important properties that greatly affect the performance of active interactive genetic algorithms that could not have been easily reveled otherwise. ...

Jul 7, 2006 · 1 min · 153 words · Xavier Llorà

Fast rule matching for Learning Classifier Systems via vector instructions

by Xavier Llorà and Kumara Sastry (2006, accepted). Proceedings of the ACM Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2006), pp. 1513–1520, ACM press. Also as IlliGAL TR No 2006001. Link to the PDF. Abstract Over the last ten years XCS has become a de facto standard for Michigan-style learning classifier systems (LCS). Since the initial CS-1 work conceived by Holland, classifiers (rules) have widely used a ternary condition alphabet {0,1,#} for binary input problems. Most of the freely available implementations of this ternary alphabet in XCS rely on character-based encodings—easy to implement, not memory efficient, and expensive to compute. Profiling of freely available XCS implementations shows that most of their execution time is spent determining whether a rule is match or not, posing a serious thread to XCS scalability. In the last decade, multimedia and scientific applications have pushed CPU manufactures to include native support for vector instruction sets. This paper presents how to implement efficient condition encoding and fast rule matching strategies using vector instructions. The paper elaborates on Altivec (PowerPC G4, G5) and SSE2 (Intel P4/Xeon and AMD Opteron) instruction sets producing speedups of XCS matching process beyond ninety times. Moreover, such a vectorized matching code will allow to easily scale beyond tens of thousands of conditions in a reasonable time. The proposed fast matching scheme also fits in any other LCS other than XCS. ...

Jul 7, 2006 · 2 min · 227 words · Xavier Llorà

The χ-ary extended compact classifier system: Linkage learning in Pittsburgh LCS

by Xavier Llorà, Kumara Sastry, David E. Goldberg, and Luis de la Ossa (2006). To appear in the Proceedings of the International Workshop on Learning Classifier Systems (IWLCS 2006). Also as IlliGAL TR No 2006015. Link to the PDF. Abstract This paper proposes a competent Pittsburgh LCS that automatically mines important substructures of the underlying problems and takes problems that were intractable with first-generation Pittsburgh LCS and renders them tractable. Specifically, we propose a χ-ary extended compact classifier system (χeCCS) which uses (1) a competent genetic algorithm (GA) in the form of χ-ary extended compact genetic algorithm, and (2) a niching method in the form restricted tournament replacement, to evolve a set of maximally accurate and maximally general rules. The results clearly show that linkage exists in the multiplexer problem which needs to be accurately discovered and efficiently processed in order to solve the problem in tractable time. The results also show that in accordance with the facetwise models from GA theory, the number of function evaluations required by χeCCs to successfully evolve an optimal rule set scales exponentially with the number of address bits (building block size) and quadratically with the problem size. ...

Jul 7, 2006 · 1 min · 194 words · Xavier Llorà