Yet Another cGA Implementation, Now in Haskell.

A year ago, I mentioned that I always write a cGA implementation when I learn a new language. Then, I was trying to get back to fluent in Haskell. A couple of days ago, Martin Pelikan just did the same and wanted to compare implementations. So, what did I do? I looked for my implementation to post it here. I took a look at the code and change a couple of things, but I can say that the Haskell implementation is the shortest working implementation that I have ever written in any language....

Mar 22, 2014 · 2 min · 389 words · Xavier Llorà

cGA, Parallelism, Processes, and Erlang

Back in Fall 2006 I was lucky to be at the right place, at the right time. Kumara Sastry and David E. Goldberg were working to pulverize some preconceptions about how far you could scale genetic algorithms. As I said, I was lucky I could help the best I could. It turned out that the answer was pretty simple, as far as you want. The key to that result was, again, built on Georges Harik’s compact genetic algorithm....

Jul 24, 2013 · 5 min · 950 words · Xavier Llorà

Yet Another cGA Implementation, Now in Erlang.

Wanna have some Sunday afternoon fun? Just refresh your Erlang skills. Since this is me having fun, what better way to do so than to write yet another implementation of the compact Genetic Algorithm originally (cGA) proposed by Georges Harik? I am going to skip describing the original algorithm and focus a bit on how to implement it in Erlang instead. You can find some nice books elsewhere and more information on the Erlang site....

Jul 8, 2013 · 4 min · 761 words · Xavier Llorà

Meandre 2.0 Alpha Preview = Scala + MongoDB

A lot of water under the bridge has gone by since the first release of Meandre 1.4.X series. In January I went back to the drawing board and start sketching what was going to be 1.5.X series. The slide deck embedded above is a extended list of the thoughts during the process. As usual, I started collecting feedback from people using 1.4.X in production, things that worked, things that needed improvement, things that were just plain over complicated....

Jul 15, 2010 · 4 min · 714 words · Xavier Llorà

LCS and Software Development

“On the Road to Competence” is a slide deck by Jurgen Appelo with interesting analogies between learning classifier systems and software development. Definitely worth taking a look at it.

Jun 18, 2010 · 1 min · 29 words · Xavier Llorà