Meandre 2.0 Alpha Preview = Scala + MongoDB

A lot of water under the bridge has gone by since the first release of Meandre 1.4.X series. In January I went back to the drawing board and start sketching what was going to be 1.5.X series. The slide deck embedded above is a extended list of the thoughts during the process. As usual, I started collecting feedback from people using 1.4.X in production, things that worked, things that needed improvement, things that were just plain over complicated....

Jul 15, 2010 · 4 min · 714 words · Xavier Llorà

LCS and Software Development

“On the Road to Competence” is a slide deck by Jurgen Appelo with interesting analogies between learning classifier systems and software development. Definitely worth taking a look at it.

Jun 18, 2010 · 1 min · 29 words · Xavier Llorà

From Galapagos to Twitter: Darwin, Natural Selection, and Web 2.0

Yesterday I was visiting Monmouth College to participate on the Darwinpalooza which commemorates the 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin’s birth and the 150th anniversary of the publication of On the Origin of Species. After scratching my head about about what to present, I came out with quite a mix. You will find the abstract of the talk below, as well as the slides I used. Abstract: One hundred and fifty years have passed since the publication of Darwin’s world-changing manuscript “The Origins of Species by Means of Natural Selection”....

Sep 18, 2009 · 2 min · 274 words · Xavier Llorà

Large Scale Data Mining using Genetics-Based Machine Learning

Below you may find the slides of the GECCO 2009 tutorial that Jaume Bacardit and I put together. Hope you enjoy it. Slides Abstract We are living in the peta-byte era.We have larger and larger data to analyze, process and transform into useful answers for the domain experts. Robust data mining tools, able to cope with petascale volumes and/or high dimensionality producing human-understandable solutions are key on several domain areas. Genetics-based machine learning (GBML) techniques are perfect candidates for this task, among others, due to the recent advances in representations, learning paradigms, and theoretical modeling....

Jul 15, 2009 · 2 min · 326 words · Xavier Llorà

Data-Intensive Computing for Competent Genetic Algorithms: A Pilot Study using Meandre

Below you may find the slides I used during GECCO 2009 to present the paper titled “Data-Intensive Computing for Competent Genetic Algorithms: A Pilot Study using Meandre”. An early preprint in form of technical report can be found as an IlliGAL TR No. 2009001 or the full paper at the ACM digital library

Jul 14, 2009 · 1 min · 53 words · Xavier Llorà