Liquid: RDF endpoint for FluidDB
A while ago I wrote some thoughts about how to map RDF to and from FluidDB. There I explored how you could map RDF onto FluidDB, and how to get it back. That got me thinking about how to get a simple endpoint you could query for RDF. Imagine that you could pull FluidDB data in RDF, then I could just get all the flexibility of SPARQL for free. With this idea in my mind I just went and grabbed Meandre, the JFLuidDB library started by Ross Jones, and build a few components. The main goal was to be able to get an object, list of the tags, and express the result in RDF. FluidDB helps the mapping since objects are uniquely identified by URIs. For instance, the unique object 5ff74371-455b-4299-83f9-ba13ae898ad1 (FluidDB relies on UUID version four with the form xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx) is uniquely identified by (or a url of the form, in case you are using the sandbox or if you are using the main instance. Same story for tags. The tag fluiddb/about can be uniquely identified by the URI, or ...