As Kumara blogged here, we went to the Beale Street Music Festival that takes place during Menphis in May. Yup, as the name says it happens in May in Memphis, Tennessee. This year was an unique opportunity to see in the same festival names like B. B. King, Little Richard, Bo Diddley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Hubbert Sumlin, and James Brown—to mention a few. The picture above is B. B. King roaring on “How blue can you get”. Breathless. Oh, I almost forgot, we also paid tribute to the other Memphis King. Graceland has become a fascinating monument to the Elvis icon. It has been a long time since I was this fascinated for the eclecticism of a place—maybe roaming the streets of Las Vegas is the closest feeling. I have to admit that 60’s and 70’s iconography has always amused me. To boost the surrealistic feeling during our tour in Graceland we were not aloud to leave the King’s house. We were trap inside because they were filming the American Idol show. Fascinating.