The next generation of data bases

Yesterday I was reading an interview to Brian Aker (MySQL director of technology) I found via Slashdot when something caught my attention. On the second side of this which may actually be more exciting is the issue of–instead of the structured data world of the relational database but the semi–the semi-structured world. You look at what is being done today with CouchDB, you look at Amazon ScaleDB, to a lesser extent but to a similar extent you–not ScaleDB, SimpleDB–to a lesser extent or a similar extent Tokyo Cabinet, those databases are really kind of fascinating because those databases are redefining really how we access data and how we are going to be searching and using data. So there’s a whole world out there that’s just starting to open up in that direction. ...

Jun 5, 2008 · 3 min · 433 words · Xavier Llorà

iPhone and your Wordpress

A while back I wrote about a Wordpress theme specially designed for you iPhone. Yesterday, a colleague make aware of another one. This one is called WPhone Admin Plugin and below you can find its description in their own terms. WPhone allows you to use a custom admin interface while interacting with your WordPress install via your phone. It contains two versions of the mobile admin interface: ...

Jun 4, 2008 · 1 min · 138 words · Xavier Llorà

Making blogging easy

ScribeFire is a Firefox extension that allows you to blog from the browser itself—as shown for this blog on the above screenshot. ScribeFire allows you to post to different blogs, edit past entries, select the category, and modify other post information such as the publication post date. The ScribeFire extension also allows you to blog about the current page you are browsing or to add it to your delicious bookmarks. ...

Jun 3, 2008 · 1 min · 70 words · Xavier Llorà

Looking for code examples?

Are you looking for some code sniped? Are you looking for some freely available code available on the net written on a specific language? If the answer is yes, you may want to take a look at Google Code Search. I just canned a few examples below. Genetic algorithm in Python Genetic algorithm in C Genetic algorithm in Java

Jun 2, 2008 · 1 min · 59 words · Xavier Llorà

Managing your LaTeX bibliography

There are a lot of tools out there to help you manage your LaTeX bibliography collection. I just want to mention three of them: BibDesk, Zotero, and JabRef. I am a heavy user for the first one. I run into BibDesk the first time I installed LaTeX on a Mac. BibDesk was the tool that stopped me from writing my .bib files by hand—as I did for a long time. Besides allowing to manage your .bib files easily, it provides a nice service integration with TeX. BibDesk also come with a great intuitive graphic interface, the ability to hook you to libraries on the net, and it allows you to export entries to EndNote, Word, RTF, Atom, RSS, etc. Zotero is another great tool for managing your bibliography if you do not always have a Mac at hand. Zotero is a plugin for Firefox. It provides the same functionalities of BibDesk but with a twist. When browsing over the net, if you run into a site which is COinS aware (libraries, newspapers, blogs, etc.), with a simple click you can store that bibliography entry straight to the Zotero bibliography data base. The bibliographic entries are also exportable to BibTeX, RDF, and RIS—to mention a few. The last one is JabRef. Written in Java, you can easily use it on any platform that supports Java. They also provide a WebStart version of JabRef. As BibDesk and Zotero, you can import/export bibliography entries in a wide variety of formats, add annotations, etc. Also, the ability to use JabRef across different platforms may be a plus if your are moving between Windows, Linux, Mac, Solaris, etc. ...

May 30, 2008 · 2 min · 273 words · Xavier Llorà