LCSweb + GBML blog = LCS & GBML Central

LCSweb was designed to allow researchers and those seeking to use Learning Classifier Systems within applications access to material on LCS and discussion between members of the LCS community. The site served this community since its was started by Alwyn Barry in 1997. Enhanced and maintained later by Jan Drugowitsch, LCSweb became a valuable community resource. The site was completely community-driven and allowed members to contribute to the content of the site and keeping it up to date....

Mar 27, 2009 · 2 min · 245 words · Xavier Llorà

Dusting my Ph.D. thesis off

After attending Albert Orriols’s Ph.D. thesis defense, I ended wondering how many of the question I posted in mine have not been solved. The answer, quite a bit. So, I just decided to dig it up, and put it up here. Yes, the thesis was not written in English (in those days my fellowship had some strings attached), but math formulation, graphs, and results are readable in any language ;) Also, GALE was written and documented in english, and is available here....

Dec 30, 2008 · 2 min · 255 words · Xavier Llorà

Join me congratulating Albert Orriols, Ph.D.

Albert Orriols (for those who do not know him, a brilliant learning classifier systems researcher) defended his thesis today. The outcome: Excellent Cum Laude. Albert Orriols Ph.D. defense started at 11am at Enginyeria i Arquitectura La Salle in Barcelona. The thesis panel was presided by Prof. David E. Goldberg, and formed by members Prof. Francisco Herrera, myself, Dr. Martin Butz, and secretary Prof. Xavier Vilasís). I must say that it has been a great pleasure to read his remarkable thesis and great contributions to the Learning Classifier System field....

Dec 12, 2008 · 1 min · 106 words · Xavier Llorà

Observer-Invariant Histopathology using Genetics-Based Machine Learning

by Xavier Llorà, Anusha Priya, and Rohit Bhargava (2006). To appear in the Special Issue on Learning Classifier Systems of the Natural Computing Journal. Also as IlliGAL TR No. 2006027. Link to the PDF. Abstract Prostate cancer accounts for one-third of noncutaneous cancers diagnosed in US men, and it is a leading cause of cancer-related death. Advances in Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy of stained tissue is now able to provide very large data sets describing the chemical properties of the cells forming the prostate tissue....

Dec 13, 2006 · 2 min · 227 words · Xavier Llorà

Fast rule matching for Learning Classifier Systems via vector instructions

by Xavier Llorà and Kumara Sastry (2006, accepted). Proceedings of the ACM Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2006), pp. 1513–1520, ACM press. Also as IlliGAL TR No 2006001. Link to the PDF. Abstract Over the last ten years XCS has become a de facto standard for Michigan-style learning classifier systems (LCS). Since the initial CS-1 work conceived by Holland, classifiers (rules) have widely used a ternary condition alphabet {0,1,#} for binary input problems....

Jul 7, 2006 · 2 min · 227 words · Xavier Llorà