Flexible LaTeX references with Natbib

LaTeX reference management is superb. However, some publisher want to have the citations arranged in some predefined manner. Yes, they are usually all different. However, if your are using LaTeX and BibTex no much need to be done to format your references right. The natbib package provides you with the tools to satisfy almost any publisher requirements.

Dec 6, 2008 · 1 min · 57 words · Xavier Llorà

Lulu and LaTeX

A while ago, I wrote about “Publishing yourself online”. Among other solutions, Lulu, seemed to be a more traditional publishing method, with the twist you do it your self, and you can decide what kind of book you want (e-book, paperback, hardcover, etc.). The other day I was spending some cycles trying to find out if they provide LaTeX templates, and no, they are a Microsoft shop (with the option of dealing with Open Office)....

Dec 5, 2008 · 1 min · 122 words · Xavier Llorà

Managing your digital library of research papers

A while a go I wrote about tools for managing your LaTeX bibliography. Despite the fact that the tools I described help managing your LaTeX bibliography collection, it still did not help much with managing the tons of PDFs files you end pilling up when doing research on a particular topic. BibDesk has now the ability to attach files to entries, Zotero with its ability to store snapshots is still the closest thing I have found so far....

Jun 19, 2008 · 1 min · 139 words · Xavier Llorà

Managing your LaTeX bibliography

There are a lot of tools out there to help you manage your LaTeX bibliography collection. I just want to mention three of them: BibDesk, Zotero, and JabRef. I am a heavy user for the first one. I run into BibDesk the first time I installed LaTeX on a Mac. BibDesk was the tool that stopped me from writing my .bib files by hand—as I did for a long time. Besides allowing to manage your ....

May 30, 2008 · 2 min · 273 words · Xavier Llorà

Getting started with LaTeX

Yesterday I was looking for a quick start guide for LaTeX that could help someone who never used it before to get going. After a bit of browsing I ran into a quick guide to LaTeX by Joost Winne. It may not be the most exhaustive and detailed one, but it is well organized and definitely a good place to start. If you are looking for more nothing can beat “The LaTeX Companion”....

May 26, 2008 · 1 min · 73 words · Xavier Llorà