LCS & GBML Central Gets a New Home

Today I finished migrating the LCS & GBML Central site from its original URL ( to a more permanent and stable home located at The original site is already currently redirecting the trafic to the new site, and it will be doing so for a while to help people transition and update bookmarks and feed readers. I have introduced a few changes to the functionality of the original site. Functional changes can be mostly summarized by (1) dropping the forums section and (2) closing comments on posts and pages. Both functionalities, rarely used  in their current form, have been replaced by a simpler public embedded Wave reachable at The goal, provide people in the LCS & GBML community a simpler way to discuss, share, and hang out. About the feeds being aggregated, I have revised the list and added the feeds now available of the table of contents from

I have also added a few other links to relevant research groups doing work on related areas. Please, leave a comment on this post if you know/have a related site that could be aggregated, or if there are missing links to research groups or useful resources.