A simple skeleton plugin for Wordpress

Preparing for the upcoming Meandre release, as part of the larger SEASR on, I have been exploring a bit the inner machinery of WordPress to create a simple plugin for the SEASR site that could render Meandre component and flow descriptions straight out of their RDF desciptors. Actually, it turned out to be a breeze.

After being a heavy user of WordPress in several project for few years now, its extensibility keeps sparking new possibilities in my mind every time I look into any of its facets. Anyway, I am rambling. Back to the point. To hit the ground running, I started by creating a simple generic plugin that would replace a tag with parameters for something else. I looked into several freely available plugins, the one that got me going was a very simple one, the SlideShare plugin by Joost de Valk.

The plugin transforms a formated tag into code that embed a flash player for SlideShare presentation. Below, I reproduce the skeleton of a plugin that will replace the tags in your post/pages/comments for whatever you like. A tag takes the form [tag-mnemonic param1 param2] and the plugin replaces it by just a HTML list of the two parameters.

*   ###Param1###
*   ###Param2###

function sp\_plugin\_callback($match) {
    $output = SP\_TARGET;
    $output = str\_replace("###Param1###", $match\[1\], $output);
    $output = str\_replace("###Param2###", $match\[2\], $output);
    return ($output);

function sp\_plugin($content) {
    return (preg\_replace\_callback(SP\_REGEXP, 'sp\_plugin\_callback', $content));

add\_filter('the\_content', 'sp\_plugin'); 
add\_filter('comment\_text', 'sp\_plugin'); 

That means that if you write the tag [tag-mnemonic http://foo.org http://example.org], the plugin will reformat the tag and inject the following html code


where the tag originally was. And that’s it! One more thing. The only thing you may want to be aware is the filtering chain. The add_filter has a third numeric parameter. When you have multiple plugins that rely on filters to do their job, sometimes you may need to force a certain order of execution to avoid stepping on each others toes. If that is your case, you better check the add_filter documentation. It may save you some time, trust me :D