ICEIS 2008: Saturday morning jam

My morning jam involved papers 102, 363, 395, 450 709, 234, 392 and 499-–that included a poster session too. There were some puzzling questions running around my head. Just one example out of paper 450; there are always many terminologies meaning the same and rewrite or revolve around the same problem: where is the difference between multicriteria optimization instead of multiobjective optimization. As I said, puzzling. I also ran into a poster during the jam by Intel folks (paper 234) worth to mention. It was not proposing new technology but building on the creation of distributed data centers via virtualization technologies. They coined the term SVG’s to describe virtualization + data isolation + services providing. More on the level of exercise to show how people can move to virtual data centers hosted in the cloud, than on proposing new technology—they said they run VMWare for all the virtualization. The question still buzzes in my head unanswered: How is this new or different from Amazon’s EC2? The answer was that they focusses on the infrastructure not on hosting—which puzzled me more after claiming they rely on VMWare-–I guess that I will need to dig deeper to get a better picture of their work. Just getting close to the lunch break, paper 195 presented some work on an engineering approach to determine the emotional signature on clothing website. Built around the Kansei method, the paper resonate in my head very close to the Gladwell’s Blink book.