El dia del senyor

El dia del senyor by Quim Monzó

In the mid 90’s I started reading Quim Monzó-–maybe a after everybody did. The funny history is that I never start reading his articles on the Sunday edition of the Avui. I just learned about him when he started showing up in a talk show at Catalunya Radio, together with Sergi Pàmies. They were hilarious and refreshingly new, something not easy back then. In the last twenty years Quim has made his way into one of the most prevalent figures in Catalan contemporary literature. The other day I just run into a collection of his early articles published on the Catalan newspapers. They were compiled into “El dia del senyor” book. It covers the articles from 1982 till 1985. I am just going over it during my vacations and I cannot belief what I read. Twenty years after, they are still about hot topics in Catalonia. I can just change the actors’ and places for current ones, but most of the topics in those articles are in still today’s newspaper headlines. Maybe the tune never changes much in Catalonia…